Thursday May 14, 2026
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PDT
8:00AM - 9:30AM
Virtual Only due to COVUD-19 Restrictions
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No fee to participate.
Brittney Sherman
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Mission Statement: Continuing to build an economically balanced and vibrant Greater Morgan Hill through business engagement, appropriate business recruitment, policy analysis, community promotion and multi-organizational cooperation.
Ongoing Activities:
1) Gathering and publishing economic development related information.
2) Vetting and making recommendations to the Chamber Board of Directors on requests for support or opposition visa-vis governmental action.
3) Project managing committee for activities such as job recruiting fairs, business expos and so on should the members so desire.
4) Primary committee for assigning delegates to regional economic development and governmental relations activities and reporting on what is learned there.
5) Be available as an ombudsman forum for current and/or prospective businesses facing issues or challenges.