Wednesday Apr 16, 2025
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
Wednesday, April 16th
1PM - 5PM
Participating business mixer from 5:30PM-6:30PM
Light Hors d'oeuvres, Beer/wine and soft drinks available
Shoe Palace
745 Jarvis Dr.
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
FREE for public to attend
Participating Business Booths
Chamber member - $265
Non-Member - $365
Lori Allen
Send Email
After March 19th booth space will be opened to non-members
Business booths are 10x10 or 8x8 - TBD
Payment must be submitted with the application. No refunds will be provided for
cancellations received after April 2nd minus a $50 processing fee.
There will be no product sales at this event.
Vendors must provide their own display and must conform to the assigned space. The vendor will be held
liable in the event that their display causes damage to the display or work of another vendor or event site
property or if anyone is injured due to your negligence.
Once accepted, you will receive a floor plan with your booth location the second week of April. Booth
locations are awarded on a first come, first served basis. If not accepted, fees will be returned promptly.
Every effort will be made to accommodate special requests, but are not guaranteed. All placement
decisions are final. NO NEGOTIATIONS!
Set up and registration will be from 11AM-12:30PM. All booth must be ready to go at 1PM. If you have not registered by 12:30pm, you will be
deemed a no-show, without refund, and the adjoining booths will absorb your space. Registration, Unloading &
Loading instructions will be sent along with your booth assignments the 2nd week of April. We suggest you bring a hand cart to bring
your booth equipment to you booth space.
you enter.
All vendors agree to participate for the entire event and understand that tear down before 5pm is not
allowed for any reason. All vendors are responsible to clean up and bag your own trash. A $50 cleaning
fee will be charged to any vendor who leaves trash behind and the possibility of being declined as a future
HOLD HARMLESS: No space fees or vendor expenses will be refunded should an emergency of any
nature arise prior to the opening time or during the event that would prevent or cancel its production. In
consideration for being allowed to attend and participate in the Business/Career Expo,
vendor agrees to protect, defend and hold harmless the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce and its
respective staff, officers, agents, and contract employees from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, or
damages of any nature, including reasonable attorney’s fees, to the extent such claims, liabilities,
expenses, or damages arise out of the participation by Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce, its agents,
officers, employees, subcontractors, or independent contractors, at the event.
WAIVER: I have read and fully understand the Terms & Conditions of this application. In
consideration for being allowed to attend and participate in the Showcase Morgan Hill Business Expo,
April 16th. Completing this application will serve as my signature agreeing to abide by these terms and conditions.